Debate culture
Without any warning, an American friend who is a staunch democrat blocked me from his facebook page because
I'd made some serious reservations about Obama's legacy, such as his dealing with whistleblowers, his drones having killed thousands of civilians, the destruction of Libya, the revolving door between Monsanto and his government, his massive federal funding to arm the police like the military, and the list goes on and on.
My friend's reaction brought different reflections to my mind. For one thing, I deplore the absence in America of
a healthy debate culture where people openly voice opposite opinions without anyone feeling threatened.
Under the guise of political correctness, inconvenient truths remain largely underground in the US.
The French, who elevated debating into an art, say that from the clash of ideas light shines. They endlessly discuss a topic, expressing their opinion with conviction and passion, yet open to the viewpoint of the other — and it is wonderful to observe. You can almost see their brains sparkle, stimulated by diametrically opposed opinions,
and being secure enough to make room instead of feeling attacked or fleeing the confrontation.
However, I know enough about energy to realize that my friend rejecting me is also resonating with
something in me. That guy is an actor in my own play, shining a light on an aspect of me that needs transforming. Is there a part of myself that I'm blocking? Am I quick to reject others? Do I run away when confronted with an inconvenient truth ? Am I harboring any insecurity myself, which is a magnet for experiences of rejection?
Sure enough, I saw what I needed to change.
And I sent light to my friend who helped me grow.